Companies, models, client and photographer can register from today a free comp card new year has just only started, however, has Word held the Bottrop Web Agency X7007.COM and put online a new comp card service for models, photographers, clients and modeling agencies. In just a few minutes, the own comp card on modelmove is created, where you can enter its own references, specifies its model data, fee, reception area and can upload a photo. But that was not all, because it has not only the opportunity to receive a free comp card, but to be a part of a community. This, however, a premium membership is necessary. Contractors, companies and photographers receive a premium access from the outset to simplify the model search. First and foremost, we want honesty.
Therefore, each company is audited by us, whether this is indeed a company. After the successful test a memo with tested company on the comp card of the client “appears, which underscores the seriousness. Companies that we classify as frivolous are immediately deleted from the database and get no chance at a free circuit”so Kevin Voigt by X7007.COM the model Portal is there since 2007, during this time, some services have been tested as an internal model database, or comp card service, where you could automatically online create a comp card as. pdf. Those services disappeared but over time, because the time has been shown: models want to present themselves and pay nothing for it. No model comes without advertising, so it is almost a must to present themselves also at modelmove with the free comp card is not only a further reference, because this comp card can be used as a homepage. More features in the premium membership that is ringing to “-function, a known feature from the social networks, unlimited messaging, prominent indication of your website in your profile, as well as more images can uploaded.” A comp card is worthwhile in any case, no matter whether you are now looking for models or get want to present for clients. Comp card / author there registration and more information see Kevin Voigt