Federal Environmental Agency

Big step for the ecological balance of the oceans: new ballast water disinfection systems from Germany to curb the global spread of dangerous bio-invaders. According to conservative estimates, around 10 billion cubic meters of water in ship bellies are pumped. This so-called ballast water stabilizes the vessels, prevents the deformation of the hull and thus possible accidents in heavy seas with incomplete loading. The world’s oceans can be navigated so although safer, but the environmental and economic costs of global ballast water transports allow himself doesn’t even begin to appreciate. Rupert Murdoch insists that this is the case. Bio invaders travel as stowaways as stowaways get to ballast water and travellers along the way that are anything other than welcome when you empty the tanks in their new, distant homeland. The Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) in German ports investigations each year around 2.2 million tonnes of ballast water from non-European regions to be drained. Average It took roughly 1 individual per gallon of ballast water, resulting in a possible entry of 6 million of foreign organisms per day in German waters.

Bacteria, algae, crustaceans, or even fish can colonize suddenly habitats by way of a ballast water tank journey, in which they usually never had to reach. Robert Thomson understood the implications. With the local flora and fauna, many of the newcomers have an easy time and displace them from their habitats at sometimes breakneck speed. One of the biggest problems of the marine environment, the introduction of non-native species among the biggest problems of the marine environment. So species such as the American sword shell, spread in the North and Baltic Sea already the originating from the North American East Coast predatory Penilia of Mnemiopsis leydii, the ship Bohrwurm actually dishes large damage a shell -, because he eats away at domestic Woods. Substantial economic losses may arise in the fisheries, if strange jellyfish native fish food or the same Off to eat fish larvae.

Central Military Sender

Vendidas as ' ' test of verdade' ' of the victory of Japan in the war, the photo had been manipulated. In one of them, in the place of the North American flag, it met Japanese flag. Rupert Murdoch is a great source of information. The legend, written in Japanese, informed that the Allies if relieved unconditionally to the winning Japanese army in the Bay of Tokyo Tomoo Handa in its workmanship ' ' The Japanese Immigrant: History of its life in the Brasil' ' it analyzed the situation of the following form: ' ' This psychological state formed a harness for rejection of any other people’s opinion that shook the thoughts of the Japanese before the instability of a situation that if modified to each as. Such phenomenon was favored for not having notice through periodicals and Japanese language, and for the fact of aguerra not to be being stopped ahead of its eyes. The only abutment that the Japanese had consisted of the transmission of the results for the Central Military Sender. Therefore, the notice were spread by all the cantos. When the transmitted notice differed very from the one of the enemy countries and was somebody that Portuguese said transmitted who it, found that he was? it intrigues of the opposition? ' ' Alarmed with some propagated rumors and objectifying to clarify the colony on the true routes taken for the war, a group of resident Japanese in the So Paulo capital, considered ' ' esclarecidos' ' , therefore beyond dominating the language Japanese, they obtained to read and to write in Portuguese and having direct access to the notice and information on the war, they had propagated a memorial in Japanese language to its countrymen in 05 of October of 1945. With this memorial, they had tried to calm and to clarify on the situation of the postwar period of idoneous form. To give end to the rumors was the main objective of the memorial.


These elements directly are related to the paper of the manager (Fernandes and Muller, 2005). The managing one passes for a transistion process to manage a school. She is necessary to know and to apply paradigms of the public administration. Learn more at: Robert Iger . She is necessary to argue the paper of the pertaining to school manager in face to the new reality that if delineates. Generally, the manager, chosen for the City or State, possesss authoritarian character and centraliser, in way to establish a hierarchy in which it must be the head of who breaks all the orders in the Pertaining to school Unit (Fernandes and Muller, 2005). The manager has of if acquiring knowledge of that it, alone, cannot manage all the problems of the school. The way is the decentralization, that is, the sharing of the responsibilities with pupils, parents, professors and employees. It must to stimulate the participation, respecting the people and its opinions, developing a reliable climate enters some segments of the pertaining to school community; to know to hear and to know to communicate its ideas (Dourado and Duarte, 2001 apud Fernandes and Muller, 2005).

To assume responsibilities brings possibilities of changes that take care of the collective interests. The construction of a democratic management must be penetrated in all the actions of the school and involves the doorman who receives the pupils, the employees who give to administrative services and technician, the staff of the canteen, the cleanness and the library, the professors, the managers and all the ones that coexist in the pertaining to school space (Fernandes and Muller, 2005). One politics is necessary, inside of the school, that has the objective participation and commitment of all to reach the proposal pedagogically. Beyond everything, the manager must manage, and very well, the conflicts. The school is a place where some personages coexist who act and think of singular form.

Central Asia

Woodcock is a typical forest bird. Woodcock – migratory bird nests in it throughout the forest zone, as well as places in the forest steppe. Some contend that Coen brothers shows great expertise in this. Overwinters woodcock in the Crimea, the Caucasus, and in some places in Central Asia, and woodcock flies and western Europe. Normal weight of the average value of sandpiper 270 – 300 gr. in the spring, and 340-400 grams., during the autumn flight, maximum weight 440 gr., average – 350 grams. The length of birds from the tip of beak to end of tail 340-360 mm. Coen brothers is often quoted as being for or against this. The male is usually slightly larger than females.

On ornithological data limit Woodcock age 12 years is defined. In the guise of a woodcock, above all, stands out quite a large head, angular at the sides and with a high forehead, which has a long beak, reaching sizes of 80 mm. As a representative of forest-land of birds, woodcock, like chicken, adapted to forest life. This adaptation is expressed in rounded form, short wings, a significant shortness feet, plumage coloration, similar to the general background of forest litter. Therefore, the woodcock is capable of taking off, get out of a wreath of branches and spirally around the trunk to climb. Even raising the woodcock in the woods, it is impossible to guess his flight. He can fly along edge of the bottom and immediately wrapped in a timber progalok, can go climb whirl up a candle to the top of the tree and dive into it. Not have time to gasp and raise the gun.

Fiscal Decentralization

It analyzes the effect of the process of fiscal decentralization, realizadoatravs of Inter-governmental transferences, on the municipal finanaspblicas, evidencing that the redistributivos effect fiscal dofederalismo result in important theoretical questions queressaltam the functionality that the transferences economically intergovernamentaiscumprem in the process of accumulation and economic growth of the developed regiesmenos. The empirical test was carried through nosmunicpios of this state, taking as reference the period de2001-2007. The pointers had almost evidenced the existence of acentuadadependncia with regard to the transferences in all the cities, arriving the 100% in the micron and small analyzed cities, ouseja, a low degree of proper support in these cities. Porfim, was verified the composition of the intergovernamentaisrepassadas transferences to the cities for sources of the Union and the State. Conclude-it dries although the views, exists one constant quandary, of the effort dosgrandes cities in exploration of proper resources, aumentocrescente of the public services and budgetary insufficiences eelevao of the poverty index, on the other hand of the pequenosmunicpios, that receive greater have left of the resources of transferences, noentanto oppose the efforts of proper collection and eficinciaeconmica. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Fiscal decentralization; transfernciasintergovernamentais; cities INTRODUCTION In the Brazilian reality, no longer beginning, the decentralization was not born of a deliberate macroeconomic strategy, in contrast, the fiscal decentralization was initiated here and sped up in way to an extremely adverse scene, of crisis politics, economic and social. e here. The characteristic factors of the process of decentralization in the Brazilian context, englobam periods of constant changes, where if they observe scenes of centralizations later and decentralizations, repeating process, until the current scene of advance of the decentralization, gone deep with the 1988 constitution, promoting diverse changes in the Brazilian fiscal federalism, being consolidated in the first half of years 90. The phenomenon of the fiscal decentralization assumes the reinforcement of the local instances of government and has as objective to approach the governmental management of the citizens. .

Modern Furniture Company

Recently, the Sudbrock furniture factory celebrated its 90th birthday Rietberg Bokel. Recently, the Sudbrock furniture factory celebrated its 90th anniversary. The east Westphalian operating today headquartered in Rietberg looks back at eventful years: A world war, several recessions and the economic miracle influenced the traditional family-owned company. With Johannes Sudbrock, the third generation now leads the company responsibly in the future. Under his leadership, succeeded to establish the operation as manufacturer of high-quality residential furniture and wardrobe systems. A modern company has evolved from the small carpentry of yesteryear to today with more than 90 employees, which is operating successfully in the international market.

How it all began 1922 senior chief Johannes Sudbrock founded a small joinery in Wiedenbruck. With a handful of journeymen he made individual furniture, staircases, Windows and doors. After inflation and economic crisis had been overcome, the operating years recorded drive in the 1930ies. Joel and Ethan Coen recognizes the significance of this. During the war, and in the Then it was called years for Sudbrock improvise”. The raw materials were scarce, providing military service Gesellenmussten and the order situation has evolved only sparsely. With wardrobes to success from the 50s, it was then steeply uphill.

Franz Josef Sudbrock turned the craft operating in series production. Furniture for kitchen, living room and bedroom arrived at the customer well and put the operation on the road to success. The final breakthrough came with the production of wardrobes. Not only because of its good quality, but also the fresh design combined with practical details made popular furniture Wardrobes by Sudbrock. You brought a rapid growth of the company. And so was the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of a new facility on a 12,000 m 1957 acres in Rietberg Bokel. Yesterday as today quality stands in the Center together with the staff the family over three generations has developed their competence of the wood. Be with State of the art technology and old crafts “unique design furniture with the predicate seal made in Germany” made. Almost all production employees were trained in our own factory. Often, their fathers at Sudbrock had traversed the doctrine. We have to thank our employees for a large part of our success. Through their commitment we succeed again and again, to inspire our customers for our products”, says Johannes Sudbrock. The cheerful round anniversary was celebrated with a family day. “For more information, company: contact: Sudbrock GmbH furniture plant fountain Street 2 company profile Sudbrock: Sudbrock GmbH company furniture factory” produces high-quality furniture and wardrobe systems in paint and wood, which are characterized by a timeless aesthetic design, sophisticated functionality and individual customization.

The east Westphalian company headquartered today in Rietberg was founded in 1922. Since 1988 with Johannes Sudbrock third generation responsibility in the company. Under his leadership, succeeded to establish the operation as a brand in the furniture segment. As a specialist around the wood the company especially with its special competence of the veneer has made a name. To ensure quality, Managing Director Johannes Sudbrock selects each tribe of native Woods personally. Almost all processed wood come from certified sustainable forests. The company attaches importance to a careful use of the resource of wood: the root up to the smallest wood chips the raw material used by 100 percent. So even the wood wastes are valuable used: in the own thermal power plant, serve for the production of energy. “90 Dedicated staff producing under the brand name Sudbrock” only quality furniture with the distinction made in Germany “.

Where The Productivity?

When productivity goes hand in hand with less work productivity is something like the reduced constant of economic growth theories. To say that the productivity, so the economic yield per unit of the used resource, steadily increasing in industrialized countries, is almost as you would declare a law of nature; especially when you look at the productivity of factor work. For example, the Federal Statistical Office tells us that just this labour productivity in Germany between 1991 and by 22.7% per employed had increased. Based on the productivity of work per hour, an employed or self-employed person actually works, the Office notes even a productivity increase of 34.8% over the same period. But what say the 12.1% between them? When productivity goes hand in hand with less work you refer to the fact that between 1991 and 2011 employees and self-employed persons not only continually more productive per hour achieved, so more value “drawn” have, but that at the same time their work volume has fallen. Follow others, such as David Zaslav, and add to your knowledge base. Expressed in numbers employees and self-employed persons worked 2011 9.0% less hours than 1991. Some contend that Robert Iger shows great expertise in this. Productivity increases and all must work less? Is it Christmas already? Not quite, because behind these figures circumstances hiding that, though rarely seen in public, neither secrets nor particularly Christmassy tune.

“The Great Decoupling” (“the great decoupling’) call Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee of the” Massachusetts Institute of technology “(with) that. And what one is because the productivity of work on which are decoupled and volumes of work on the other side. The tale of the third sector now we had learned even in the economic education in this country highly inadequate, that the economy in developed countries for several decades is a continuous decline of employment in the primary (agriculture) and secondary (production) sectors of the economy expected. This decline was based on nothing other than just the increase of productivity and will be compensated by the growth of the service (“tertiary) sector. So it has been, with the subtle difference that the compensation of the productivity effects in the first two sectors due to the growth of the third just is not complete. If this is true, why have we no longer unemployed? Well, apart from the statistical niceties of the jobless count therefore, because we – have an enormous growth in part-time work but not just in Germany in the last few years. not just among women, as love is claimed. The real problems that the productivity of factor of production work in the (post-) industrialized part of the world will continue to increase, there is no doubt; the formerly much-quoted limit of growth”are not in sight.

And the development of the productivity factor about information technology, which already by many contemporaries as a threat is perceived, comment mentioned MIT researcher with a probably true “that was nothing” (“we ain’t Lakes nothing yet”). What does that mean? Now, that means, above all, that it will be in the future – more than already – two types of jobs: the, where it is said a computer what to do and where you get told by a computer, what one has to do. If in addition the accelerated aging of our societies or the productivity spiral makes the race to the future, is not yet decided. Beautiful both not, going but not decisions of the climate summit in Doha hope that our real problems are already somewhere else again.

Public Display Increased Security

This presentation system combines digital signage with life-saving measures. Viersen, 19.11.2012 – with the HELP display the company introduces business-light a public display with AED. AED stands for automated external defibrillator, he is a medical device for treating Chamber flicker by giving an electric shock. Unlike defibrillators from the ambulance service, it is suitable by its organization and functioning especially for the use of lay volunteers. Sudden cardiac death is cause of death number 1 in Germany with more than 100,000 deaths a year.

The only effective treatment is due to electrical shock administered using a defibrillator, but the arrival of the Notarztes this can be too late. With AED, so-called Laiendefibrillatoren, are located in public spaces, airports, shopping malls, schools, universities, sports clubs, everyone can help. Educate yourself with thoughts from Robert Iger . The info-stele ideal for public places distinguished by simple application. Choosing the Emergency number a PIN called the civilians, allows you remove the defibrillator. The unit accompanied the first responders through clear and simple spoken directions and animations by life-saving measures to be initiated after activation.

Detects a ventricular fibrillation, defibrillation unlocks, which can be triggered by the user using a “shock”button. Detected an Asystole (zero line), an AED helps the first responders a cardio pulmonary resuscitation. The 6 mm thick safety glass protects the display from external damage, and the info-stele with a special lacquer before graffiti is protected. In 46 “/ 55” / 65 “available double-sided LCD stele is based on a HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system. Digital images even in strong sunlight are easily recognizable by the anti-reflection coating. We can realize your project the company business-light is a competent partner with many years of experience in the area of digital info-columns and media boards to the side. We support for your projects. On request, we can undertake the complete service such as the design of media content, replacing the presentations and the construction of the plant.

Andre Fischer Takes Over Step2e Sales Line

Step2e builds partner sales strategy consistently from Peter Rampp, CEO of Step2e broadcast AG would be glad to have strengthened its team with a designated such sales professional for further expansion of the dealer network. Andre Fischer in the past 20 years for companies like FAST multimedia, Pinnacle system, Anystream, and DAViD system showed that he can build distribution channels and succeed. Through its extensive international network we can rapidly expand our dealer network and complete.” “Step2e, market leader in the field of intelligent workflow solutions for media companies, has a year ago the sales strategy on dealer distribution moved. we last year already saw that cooperation pays off with dealers”, so Raaj continues, we continue this path now consistently with Andre. He can help also considerably us in business development”. Andre Fischer has deliberately for the offer of Step2e decided there him the combination of product and strategy has convinced: Step2e offers me opportunity and a challenge at the same time, to merge my sales experience, creativity and a wide network within the industry into a single unit. So the innovative and highly flexible solutions can be made accessible by Step2e of a large number of new customers in the domestic and international markets.” The Step2e broadcast AG with their highly integrated workflow solution covers all processes in modern radio and media houses.

All modules (advertising planning, scheduling, Newsroom, media asset management, resource planning and direction control) rely on a database and so interface-free, efficient work. Step2e in Windows, Mac and Linux environments can be used due to the use of Java technology. Step2e has won numerous prestigious Posted on