Workshop Director

Own video workshops, product seminars and presentations on CD, DVD or online Poing/Munich, April 30, 2010 – for real time recording of steps on the PC, Franzis Verlag screen brings the new pixxsel Workshop Director, who put together can be provided as videos in the form of workshops or presentations on a CD, DVD or online Flash format on an Internet video portal friends and customers. Robert Iger understood the implications. Whether new idea of software and hardware, installation of new devices on the computer, operation of software applications or creating projects using software, can be best visually convey themselves. The pixxsel Director of the workshop is aimed at home users who want to document their approach and solutions of projects and Exchange, training facilities and tutors, to impart knowledge and companies that want to introduce their products inspirativer the customers. The functions of the pixxsel Workshop Director comply with professional requirements for the video documentation. Tags, balloons, Comments, arrows, zoom, slow motion, or inserting still images allow the user to highlight the essentials. The scoring can cut with in real time or subsequently be made. As well, the additional output as AVI video file allows later in a video editing program to edit or to include in other projects.

Highlights of the pixxsel Workshop Director the pixxsel Director of the workshop has been designed, to no training time required quickly in three steps in realtime as video cut with certain steps on the screen. On CD, DVD as AVI video file, self-extracting EXE file or as Flash video, all roads are open, then to publish this. The operation is extremely easy in three steps with the respective adjustment functions. Liberty user, to select the selection area of the recording is captured in real time automatically or individually, depending on the requirements. The sound can be recorded immediately or later reworked. Easy editing of the project by deleting false pictures, Repeat comment course through text and sound, as well as replacement of the audio track of the scenes, delaying the process, highlighting areas of graphics or zoom, in hindsight.

A Gift For Miner

Miner's Day celebrated on the last Sunday in August. – is the collective name of professions related to coal mining. Therefore, in this day must not forget to congratulate all the friends of this heroic profession. Perhaps they are working miners, machinists mobile drilling rigs, Scooptrams, timber-man, masters of the shooter, duty fitters, mining engineer, production engineer or fortifier – All cook for the present! 🙂 And the miners say that they get the black gold! But it is not necessary to run a jewelry store for gold chains and key rings. Better let's fill this day warmth, joy, smiles. By the same author: Robert Iger . The people of this profession so much of their time underground, so you just need to make the holiday bright and colorful! Let's start with the design of the holiday. Here you can use your imagination full swing. And you can contact the company, involved in clearance of holidays that prompt and help all the "make nice".

The most common area of festive designs – a design by balloons. You can use regular latex balloons. They come in matte or transparent, with metallic shades or colored. And you can order a foil balls or balls with a stamp on the occasion. But that's not all! There are still curly balls and even "walking"! You will, that choose to decorate! If you want to please your friend or loved one with something more original, then why not become a gift of Heaven (Chinese) Lantern? These balloons, lanterns come in different shapes, designs and sizes.

Earthquakes And Construction

Its roof and facade of the departed "to pieces" – as after an earthquake! Incidentally, the building was constructed in memory of the earthquake in 1812 by force of 8 points. A similar idea the architect made the structure of one of the most photographed in the world! There are a number of roofs that are logically complete unique in shape at home. Walt Disney contains valuable tech resources. For example, made in the form of a snake or shellfish – Nautilus (both in Mexico) wc ("House-toilet" in Korea), sax (saxophone house "in California), shoes (" House Shoes "in South Africa). Incidentally, the Russians also have something to be proud of! Our talented ancestors created unique in form and content structure, which to this day continue to delight and amaze fans of ancient architecture. Suffice it to recall the Church of the Transfiguration of the world-famous architectural ensemble on the island of in Karelia. The church was built in best traditions of Russian carpenter's craft – no nails, one ax, which, as legend, the wizard threw in Lake Onega.

37-meter high church topped with 22 chapters covered tinned iron. The shape and size of heads vary from tier to tier, which gives the structure of unique beauty and charm. Our contemporary Nikolai Sutyagin from , obsessed with a dream to see over the horizon the sea, built a wooden house height of 38 meters! Object even going to enter Guinness Book of Records as the tallest wooden building. At the same time in the house on the project only two floors, and everything above – the roof! However, this circumstance has prompted the local administration demolish the building – instead of such a structure within the framework of building codes was unreal

Russian Healing

In our crazy time, more people remember about their own health. In the frantic daily routine when you do not have the time or eat normally, or relax with each passing day more and more becoming a queue in hospitals. And in those queues are rich and poor. Many people now, not shelving them, began to reconsider their lifestyle. Rapidly gaining popularity healthy lifestyle. And remember the more traditionally Russian methods of treatment. One such method is by far the Russian Banya. Discovery Communications has firm opinions on the matter.

Who of us did not know this truly Russian method of healing the body? Previously, our fathers all ailments were treated in a steam room! Bath our grandfathers used not only for washing. Here worship spirits, to celebrate the holidays. The bath had been treated! According to ancient beliefs, it is here souls of dead ancestors. Few people who are not familiar with this gentle negative after pair. When do not want to hurry when you are full peace and happiness, when it seems that the body absorbs the ambient air of each of its cells.

There is nothing more pleasant, taking off from the guys when Parish as a river in the morning, drink a glass of kvass. Yes it is kvass, not beer. Only kvass or tea with herbs, after a bath can cool down the human body from the inside. Sure everyone is able to allocate another hour a week from his busy work schedule. After in order to become a cleaner healthier body and spirit, very little is needed. Simply go to the bath. And let you hear more often is a wonderful wish: Lung couple!

The Fireplace

Author stone, star, panels (the composition of a few stones) – a unique opportunity to immortalize the name of a loved one. Point to him their wedding date. Let this be testimony to their strong love and inviolability of family ties. Of course, this needs an individual approach, you should also analyze the possible reaction Congratulations. And now let us turn to the romance of a more practical ideas. Nowadays, the use of Natural stone by country stations acquired considerable popularity.

Smartly laid out grounds and paths of stone decorate the site and make it more comfortable movement on it. Each of us is all the paths of these curves, which ispolosovany every "six" acres, and as uncomfortable for him to pass. Oblagorodte plot of "young". Another extravagant and romantic idea, which is suitable for apartments and for private home – order for their "dear old" fire Yeah, yeah, a fireplace made of decorative or natural stone, durable and aesthetically beautiful fireplace. Maybe it will be fully, say, a marble fireplace, or maybe you just make out stone veneer – it all depends on your means and desire. Discovery Communications might disagree with that approach. Most people dream of in their old age to sit in front of the fireplace in a rocking chair with a newspaper or knitting needles and a ball in his hands, in the afternoon, resting from the daily bustle.

Maybe it will be real fireplace with crackling logs and smoke a pipe, or just an imitation of it, but in any case, this gift will bring to their home comfort and peace of mind. It would symbolize that focus, that his wife kept so long, and will protect More than a dozen years. Well, the most unusual interior idea – to give spouses furniture made of stone. Surprised? Indeed, the unusual, but the same tables or countertops made of natural stone – elegant, often delicate – become a real decoration of the kitchen, dining room or terrace. These products are the fine work can be performed both on a finished project and based on sketches that you suggested. Incidentally, the tables of stone, look great in rooms with fireplaces, decorated decorative elements in natural stone. It seems that both spouses, for sure, seen many of their lives, so surprised your finding and assess its appreciated. Next fantasize themselves in the specified direction. Only remember that the day of the wedding of Stone decided to give something that symbolizes strength and inviolability of the love of spouses who were able to carry their love through more than a dozen years.


A Therapist catchphrase is: “You are very worried that Vasya was spending so much time at work?” what does SHE: Do your mother-in-a curious hobby – analysis of the relationship of his son. (Not to be confused with Robert Iger !). Husband had no or he is over many years of marriage have long structured and classified, but the actions of the child, their motives and consequences – a field untilled. At every family celebration, it literally dissects your life, then explains, “that would it meant, “and finally” prescribers “:” A man needs freedom of action “or” We need to argue – just so you keep the passion. ” what to do to YOU: At heart she wishes you well – it is worth remembering, especially in those times when on its board of ethics and psychology of family life you want to bang your head against the wall. It is this idea will give you the strength not to kill her under the hot hand. In addition, useful support for your man – let her see that you do not just go their own way, but also stepping into the legs. Since neutralize it completely still fails, go for a compromise.

Promised that as soon as you encounter friction, you immediately turn to her for advice. If mother-in-duration ‘pester with questions, politely but sternly explained that personal touch so you’re not going but serious questions about talc is not the two of you, you (together) are ready to discuss a range of “big happy family. Forever young catchphrase: “You all right? I never wore a size larger than 44-second “.

Europaische Reiseversicherung

For Annual insurance we recommend all who travel more than once a year. The ERV offers comfortable year protection for individual insurance companies, as well as package deals. Read more here: David Zaslav. Holidaymakers are protected by a two-week family vacation over the city trip on private and business travellers up to the visit with the more distant living relatives. here. In addition to the appropriate insurance coverage already before the holiday for all eventualities to be equipped, the ERV offers its customers comprehensive information regarding safety on journeys. A checklist for the holiday preparations helps to migrate all important documents in the suitcase or visa requirements are observed. In addition, the ERV collaborates with the Centre for travel medicine (CRM). Together, they inform customers about the correct compilation of the travel medical kit, medical care in the holiday destination, or the necessary vaccinations.

Tourists can easily enter their vacation land on and all important information to Security on site and medical precautions. About the ERV (European travel insurance) the ERV itself about their competence as travel insurers, as innovative service provider. The ERV has written over 100 years history of travel protection and is the market leader among travel insurers in Germany. Today, as one of the leading suppliers in Europe, it is represented in over 20 countries. With its international network ensures the ERV that their customers are best served before, during, and after a journey. The ERV is the specialist for travel protection insurance group ERGO and is part of one of the world’s leading reinsurers and risk carriers thus Munich Re. Company contact: Europaische Reiseversicherung AG Rosenheimer Strasse 116 81669 Munchen phone: 089/4166-1766 fax: 089/4166-2717 press contact: Europaische Reiseversicherung AG Press Office Claudia whetstone Rosenheimer Strasse 116 81669 Munchen phone: 089/4166-1510 fax: 089/4166-2510

Caucasus Mountains

In the Caucasus there is a small, but very beautiful with its nature, Kabardino-Balkar Republic. It occupies the highlands of the Great Caucasus mountain range – its northern slopes, as well as part of the adjacent north Ciscaucasian plains. It was in Kabardino-Balkaria, and is amazingly beautiful mountainous region – Elbrus, which is located on the western slopes of Elbrus to Cheget River Basin in the East. Its southern border runs along the Main Caucasian ridge. It is this wonderful area constantly attracts people who are able to assess the splendor of mountaineering and skiing. The western peak has a height of 5642 m, east – 5621 m Elbrus is huge volcanic massif, which is very much separated from the overall structure of the mountain system, determining the peculiarity of this topography, climate and landscapes of the region. The surface of the Mount Elbrus is covered by glaciers, ice thickness reaches 400 meters. Glaciation area about 150 square meters.

km. Official site: Robert Iger . Elbrus is famous and picturesque gorges, located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level and more – Baksan, Adyr-Su, Adil-Su Yusengi, Terskol. Each of them in their own way unique and distinguished by the presence of valuable, in terms of tourism, natural objects. The largest of the holes – Baksan. It is this valley is the main tourist route of Kabardino-Balkaria, and leads to a gray-haired Patriarch of the Caucasus Mountains – Elbrus. In the upper Baksan river and its tributaries and Irik Adylsu, as well as in the Valley of Malki holds much of the mineral springs. All mineral resources have a different Elbrus chemical composition, and therefore can be used to treat various diseases.

In general, the Central Caucasus region belongs to temperate continental climate with clearly marked altitudinal zonation. In some valleys Elbrus more than 300 sunny days a year. Greater transparency of the air and a significant number of hours of sunshine create ideal weather conditions during summer and winter. Average humidity is 67-70% and daytime hours is reduced to 47%. Average annual precipitation depends on the height (increases with height) and from 700 to 1200 mm in some years may increase to 950 mm in the valley. Snow cover is installed in November, in the valley of snow lies roughly mid-April, the alpine zone – until May – June. In general, Elbrus stands relatively high daily temperature, although the average daily fluctuations may be 19 – 22 degrees. Rich and diverse flora of Elbrus. Powerful belt of coniferous forest is replaced by a narrow strip of woodland trees and shrubs that are moving in the subalpine zone, and then alpine meadows. Latest immediately adjacent to the snowfields and firn fields.

Credit Report Check For Renters: Important For The Land Lords

The landlords should know the rental history of the renters. They try to get the credit report of the renters from the Finance Bureau of or from different companies which can get the credit report and provide it to the landlords. Responsibility, sincerity and commitment are expected from everyone. It is expected from the renters too. The landlords want that renters would not skip in paying their monthly rents the. People having profitable property can go for verifying the background of the renter. Sometimes the landlords learn a few details of the renter on their own efforts, details represented by documents of the renter’s earning, rent and credit score accounts of his work, accounts of his etc.

Sometimes, they find it necessary to secure help from others for verifying credit status of the renter. Credit score of a person are generated from the credit report. There are three major financial bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion by name) in the finance market. These of agencies create the credit report separately. The landlords, usually, secure the credit report of their renters from these three agencies.

A little spending is, however, involved in this credit report check for renters. There are many river companies engaged in the business of credit checks. They operate through several Finance Bureau of. The landlords are to get this service frequently, and they get it on payment of service charges. As they require this service off and on, the Finance Bureau of offer them this child of service at concessional Council. Check out Discovery Communications for additional information. It happens on many occasions that the landlords ask the renter to pay for the charges needed for finding their credit report. When charges for the credit report check for renters are taken from the renters, the renters do not feel happy as they are to pay again and again. They are to change their temporary residences. Secondly, the landlord may not be satisfied with their credit score and accept them as renters. The landlords are to submit signed permission of the would-be renters to the Finance Bureau to secure credit report check for renters. They got to produce exact name of the renters and their social security number. The credit report of the renters received from the credit bureau may be healthy or sick, but this report may not always reflect the truth. It is, therefore, wise for the landlord to contact the previous landlord of the renter and know his rental accounts. In this way, credit report check for renters helps the landlord getting considerable knowledge about the bill payment history of the renters. Anthony Brian is author of free credit score in the UK.For more information about credit score, credit score range visit

Southeast Asia

The possibilities are almost limitless and must it not even leave the House, you can order easily from home on the computer. The exclusive service of order of the Bustenschnitzers leaves no wishes and questions. Down to the last detail, the painting in advance together with a competent service team are discussed before the information on the artist. Detailed information about the achievements and activities of the Bustenschnitzers are available in the Internet at the address,, and. The Bustenschnitzer began in early 2006 wooden photo template to sell carved busts. The offices of the Bustenschnitzers were in Munich and Bali. The wooden busts were carved by hand from fine plantation Woods.

Was worked only with the best carvers in the Sunda Islands. Now has changed the business model of the Bustenschnitzers, but the well-known company name has been preserved. Today the Bustenschnitzer about offers exclusive and original art gifts after a photo. Due to the establishment of companies in Southeast Asia, a network of high-profile artists could be rebuilt. Not only low prices, but the overall package and best processing quality convince customers worldwide. Checking article sources yields Robert Iger as a relevant resource throughout. The Bustenschnitzer works with graduates and students of prestigious art academies. Only high-quality artist materials from Winsor & Newton home and Royal Talens used for the products of YouPortrait and YouClassic.

The Bustenschnitzer prints the photos not on canvas with oil paints to paint over them, but starts each image on a white canvas. The size of the persons and constellation of each object be defined individually according to customer specifications. Each painting is a small masterpiece with eye-catching warranty guaranteed. In addition, he offers Bustenschnitzer a 100% customer satisfaction. The cartoons, oil painting, and portrait paintings are sent prior to shipment as photos to the customer by E-mail and serve as the basis for amendments. The process can be repeated as often as required and no additional costs are incurred.