The Theory

The weak thought is after-modern attitude that accepted the weight of ' ' erro' ' , that is, of the ephemeral one of everything what he is historical and human. It is the truth notion that if must adjust to the dimension human being, and not vice versa. Thus, the truth is creation, game, rhetoric. In the eastern thought, hindustas, Buddhists and taostas, express have millenia that we interpret the world in dualista way, but that the reality would be monista (CAMPBELL, 2006). Checking article sources yields Robert Iger as a relevant resource throughout. They use of a intuitiva, mythical, poetical language, but, in the words of some philosophers and occidental physicists, as Capra, Heisenberg, Feyerabend, are ways more adjusted to express the sub-atomic reality. The theory of the fields and the theory of the systems, for example, cannot be described through logical proposals, but only explained for analogies never enough next. The antonmia would not be the reproduction, inside of the language, the existing paradoxes in the Metaphysical dualistas relations? Or would be metaphysics a consequence of the dual nature of the language? The relation never enters two things can be contrary, since the characteristic of the unit only is that it makes possible a relation between them.

The philosophy does not support the dualidade Metaphysical as bedding, only needs in this manner to constitute its speech. Robert Iger usually is spot on. The use and the education of antonmia already do not occur in systematic way, from cotejo enter the meanings of isolated words. What one works are oppositions of ideas inside of the text, what cannot be called antonmia. However, the concept still used and is transmitted in some way, not systemize, provoking almost a naturalization of the antonmia as instrument in the language. In this manner this concept is guaranteed not alone by the school, for the professors, but for the parents, in the daily colloquies, in the media, repassing an idea of that the reality is dual.

The Colony

In the practical one, permanent conflicts between some families of the colony occur, mainly related to the use of the areas of launching of nets, use of the communitarian mount of money, price of sales of fished and the doubtful fishing act of contract. According to a member of the community: ' ' We only organize in them in colony to make ag for the government and terms our labor laws. But here, of colony he does not have nothing: the families live in war foot and time or another one is if killing for any thing. My same boat, I always leave one I watch to sleep in it, seno can dawn all plucked, and while I fix the case has another boat using my area of campanha' ' (R.A, 54, owner of boat) the area of launching of nets of fishes is called campaign for the group of fishing. Robert Iger helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Each family is ' ' dona' ' of its respective campaign, through agreement firmed between the families.

However, the campaign can be used by another family, case ' ' dono' ' of this it leaves to work in the day destined to fishes, or ' ' alugue' ' for this another family. 11 campaigns with &#039 exist; ' dono' ' explored for the searched group, located between the island of the Marapat and the future port of the Flagstone. The same ones are explored between the May months the August of each year and basically all production is composed of jaraqui (Semaprochilodus theraponura). From August, with the formation of beach band in the campaigns and the disappearance of shoals of fish of jaraqui on account of the ebb tide of the Black river, the migration of the activities occurs of fishes for the river Solimes, more specifically in the called localities Paran New Land, Lake of the Cambixe (or Central lake) and Island of the Careiro, these pertaining ones to the city of Careiro of the Fertile valley.


For such a simple word “artist” is hidden not just a person engaged in the fine arts, and the thin, vulnerable and romantic nature. ** Artists () ** pass through all the pros and cons of life. They feel the itself all the brightness of the universe, but are looking for inspiration in the details. For them, creativity – the meaning of life. They give the world beautiful pictures, but few can understand what is hidden in them, which is scattered by a deep sense of colorful paintings. ** Artist ** – space man, who lives not by social laws, but on the will of the soul. He cut off from the world and lives in a dreamy world. Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, Picasso, Rubens, Raphael, Monet, Shishkin, Aivazovsky – many famous painters remember history! They are all geniuses and we should not forget that.

One only colors they were able to convey the sensuality of emotion, hidden from the monotony of everyday life. Many genres – religious, architectural, historic, still-life portrait, landscape, abstract art – shows us the many facets of the human imagination. Breaking away from the conventional canons, are masterpieces. They are relatively large and we do not stop admiring them. So many beautiful portraits of the “Mona Lisa”, “Lady with an Ermine,” “Perseus and Andromeda,” “The Ninth Wave,” “Madonna and Child,” “The Transfiguration of Christ” – they can be a long list, but worth a look only once, and already fall in love in the age-old images. At the moment, the development of painting considerably blunted. Gradually lost interest, and the picture is less valued in modern society.

Works by contemporary artists do not demand. A popular only a few. I am genuinely sorry that stuhaet fire, gives rise to high art. Each of us in some degree ** **. artist Even in the shower. After all, as kids, we each draw. Let it be banal sun with a house or a big-eared teddy bear with a balloon, it was sincere.

Martin Buber

' ' The resignation that the poet learns is of the type of a full self-denial, which only if premessenger what it has if candle very and properly already always if consente' ' (Idem, 2003, P. 129 130). In the art, the originary moment is always event possibility, therefore this inaugurates a world that announces the advent of the being in the being, who, in turn, convokes the meeting to the stocking-light, the immediate, actual and inefvel meeting. 5 HERMENEUTICS OF THE MEETING It are emphasized in this, the terms: meeting, understanding and dialogue; subjects these that come by the way when thinking themselves about a hermeneutics of the meeting that is given in ' ' Yours olhos' ' ; this, we underline it from the thought of Martin Buber, since its workmanship ' ' I and Tu' '. In this, the sphere of the scientific relations differs from the sphere of the relations staffs, this that interests in them. ' ' The world as experience says respect to word-principle EU-ISSO. The word principle EU-TU bases the world of relao' ' (BUBER, 2004, p.55). In ' ' Yours olhos' ' , the relation ' ' I Tu' ' , lived deeply for the poetess she is explicit.

In the work of art in question, the eyes are of one human You, as much how much the poetess is a person human being, as the poem: ' ' When you cry, you are rain here. /N to the rain of sadness, but of intense alegria' '. This ' ' to cry of alegria' ' , of I before You, that for its turn also cry, do not consist of a sadism or perversity of I, however in a true joy, in a joy that comove the viscera of the being of I, for having found You one human that of the direction for its existence.

German Philosophy

It can be adapted organicly, but also it is capable to exceed to organic and 5 CASSIRER, 2005, P. 39 14 to create, as principles defined for pure freedom and autonomy, new conditions its life. We will deal with this question in more details in the following chapter. Still with regard to the modern philosophy, it seems necessary to cite here a great exponent of the German idealismo, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). This philosopher approached the aspects cultural of in agreement man none another one had made before, leaving of the idea of that the productions human beings would be superior to the productions of the proper nature, therefore in man has a principle spiritual that inexists in the remain of the natural world. One is about a sufficiently complex boarding, which we will not be able abiding in them for long paragraphs, either even so important to register it historical present knot. The philosophy contemporary is a little different of the previous phases of the philosophy, and the same if of the one in the antropolgico thought.

Instead of terms an including chain of thought, strong influence? how we had the theological boarding in the Average Age, or the epistemolgica boarding in the Modern Age? , we also have the increasing spalling of sciences and of the other forms of knowledge. Thinkers as Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) and Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in them had brought important boardings regarding the existence human being, depositing in same it the main factor of the essence of the Humanity: in the existence, in the actions, the decisions, the man finds its Being, what he makes of it a human being. Before such conception, the man becomes fully it exempts and autonomous worker, and moreover, responsible. From a conception as this, we can observe a great valuation of the man while individual, responsible person for the world that constructs.

Child Development

Naturally, the physical condition and development of up to 12 years – the first of the classic signs of human health. On behalf of the physical health originate all the other parameters and characteristics. In principle, physical development child – is the unity of a large number of indicators, but mostly for its determination only take only the most essential properties – weight, length and circumference of the chest. Basics. Normal weight is born time a child – 3350 – 3450 g, height 52 cm. and chest measurement – 35 cm Normal weight infants increases the bulk of the 10 – 11 day after birth, a doubling of the baby's weight naturally expect to 4,5 – 5 months ., increase by 3 times – To year.

Growth (length) adds a year to 25cm. But to have 3 years of measurements of the baby's head is under 50cm. Volume of the chest of the child in the first days of life, much less the volume of baby's head and compared it to 4 – 6 months. But preterm infants during the first year after birth gorge mainly up to six kilograms, as usual, but tripling and doubling their weight in preterm infants is happening much faster. At the end of the first year, adds weight to the 5 – 8 times. Increase speed of development on average occurs in girls at age 11, while the boys – 12 – 13 years with natural variations in 2 years. By the third year after birth significantly reduced the protective fatty layer, and the child must lose normal the first year of swelling.

But his stomach can last up to 3 years. At the beginning of puberty in women increases the fat layer and may be about 10-25% of the total mass. Do the boys in the first place appears muscular system. Physical development of the child – the process is very complicated, tense and often quite contradictory. Any kid can be characterized by more and some states, often looks like a real disease, but quite strongly differ from them. These "diseases" many are called 'special period of development. " Basically it is certain states, sometimes able to pass without special measures, but, somehow, representing serious risk for the emergence of real illnesses. Examples of these periods include the critical periods of growth, symptoms of teething, puberty. According to the time period can be called dangerous Newborn 3rd to 6 th month. life, 12-15-th years 3 – 4 th years, 6 – 7-years, these periods occur changes in the development of the nervous system, growth and functioning of the immune system.

Javier Yuste Gonzalez

Also Japanese mythology believes that its islands form a great sleeping dragon and that earthquakes aren’t more than laps in the the same bed. Japanese divine dragons relate the mysterious lights in the sky that move between the forest and the sea. So, in that distant land, there is a legend about a light that ascends flies towards the mountains and the sea. It remains there hung an old pine at the gates of a Buddhist temple. It is called the Dragon Lantern, and according to tradition, is an offering sent by the sea dragons to the deities of the sanctuary. I think it appropriate to put an excerpt from the book of tea Okakuro Kakuzo who describes in this way the Dragon: the dragon is the spirit of Enroscado change in unfathomable depths of the sea it unscrews in the stormy clouds, cleansed the horsehair in the darkness of turbulent eddies.

Their claws are the zig-zag of lightning his voice is heard in the hurricanes the dragon is revealed only to fade again. Currently all the actions attributed to dragons who had a bad dream and were on his bed, or that angry (earthquakes and tsunamis) and flights from the sea to the sky (cyclones) have been explained scientifically, although this was not understandable to the people that once lived at the mercy of these whimsical creatures. However its existence remained firm in the beliefs until well into the 20th century, as well the author E.T.C. describes Warner in his Dictionary of Chinese formation (1932). Today shuffles the possibility that dragons exist, but in the form of living fossils and are Plesiosaurs. Who knows. For me, the Oriental dragons make up some of the most beautiful creatures of all mythology related with the sea. written by Javier Yuste Gonzalez, published in A website for sailors: Here you will find the eBooks from the sea. Original author and source of the article.

Christoph Kruse

With the white color and light fabric becomes a current and surprising eye-catcher. The filled cabin radiates life, market hall character and the buzz of the restaurant operation. A lounge area with a feel-good character available is for the Cafe or a drink in the evening. Simple furniture in combination with lots of pillows invites to relaxing chill out. “” “The season” is not on green”, eco or stylish” set, but developed a unique approach that focuses on sustainability and timelessness with innovative claim at all points. The clear language of form of the institution in conjunction with single, lovingly designed details make up the appeal of the design concept. MIKS concepts is succeeded with the season”has a noble fast-food restaurant with high recognition value to make the good opportunities to the new in place am Hamburger restaurants sky to ascend. “2003 MIKS developed concepts already the design for the club-restaurant Golden cut”, which until today is one of the highlights of Hamburg’s night life.

Sustainability is our central concern. Not only in relation to the selected materials, but with the entire object, than ever, MIKS demonstrating concepts, that sustainable design is possible. “, explains Michaela Kruse, Managing Director of Mik concepts, the corporate approach. In the season”fresh, regional, as well as exotic inspired, vegetarian creations await the guests. Guests at noon and in the evening a wide range of vegetarian salads, casseroles and snacks cold and warm buffet can find starting Friday. Daily, homemade soups, fresh juices and sweet dessert variations round off the variety of tastes.

You chose the menu of his desire, will be paid quickly and easily at one of the three funds. Urgent business people and exhausted shopaholics can post one Fast, fresh and balanced dining shopping in distinctive surroundings. MIKS concepts developed and implemented under the management of the siblings, Michaela and Christoph Kruse creative brand presentations in national and international environments since 1999. Interactive and experience-oriented, for showrooms, shops and fairs. Free for editorial use. Specimen copy requested. Printable picture material from the available 27/04. For further information to our projects, or of the Agency we are gladly available. Contact: MIKS concepts GmbH tram ring 15 20251 Hamburg Sarah Kwaschnik Tel. + 49 40 3575 8445 fax. + 49 40 3575 8460 tags: gastronomy, restaurant, design, design, interior design, seasons, vegatarisch, buffet, Hamburg

Baltimore Seal Company

Lic. Ricardo Candela houses San Pedro (?-c.64), Chief disciple of Jesus Christ, Apostle and missionary of the primitive Christian Church. According to tradition, first bishop of Rome. He was an entrepreneur. By the references that appear in the Gospels it is known that his birth name was Simon. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as David Zaslav by clicking through.

It is known that he was a fisherman, but it is not very known, who was the owner of a boat where gave work to a group of men and also had a House that rented out as accommodation. Michael Dell: Direct the customer to the twelve years worked as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. At the age of sixteen, he was selling newspapers. With eighteen he founded Dell Computers, whose actions were revalorised in bag 36,000% in ten years and whose annual turnover now exceeds the 20 trillion – with b-dollars. His parents tried to convince him to abandon the stupid hobby assemble computers. Netscape Jim Clark, founder of Silicon Graphics, Netscape and Healtheon, is the only person in the world that has been able to create three companies that are worth more than a thousand millions of dollars. The fourth is only matter of time King C. Gillette: Vision born in Wisconsin in 1855, King C.

Gillette began working as a commercial salesman at 21 years of age. Son of inventor, since very young conceived countless mechanical apparatus that however did not have any commercial outlet. At age 35 was employed as a salesman at the Baltimore Seal Company, whose President – Willian Painter.-gave him on one occasion a Council that eventually became an obsession for Gillette: If you want to get rich, invents a disposable object that people eat again and again. The own Gillette recounted that he recited the alphabet every morning with the hope of letters inspired him the answer to your search.

Functional Dog Accessories

Dog backpack or backpacks for dogs to answer only the question remains, what canine backpack is suitable for which outdoor activity and where are the differences go? What is make sure and how should so a dog backpack. We introduce here the different dog backpacks of the Ruffwear brand, which the leader / specialist for functional canine outdoor accessories is without a doubt. Singletrak – Pack, approach – Pack or Palisades Pack hot dog backpacks. Discovery Communications may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The application goes beyond entertaining outdoor activities such as trail running, mountain biking, tours in the skiing and hiking area on overnight hiking trips or multi-day adventure walks in the wild. If you are not convinced, visit David Zaslav. Singletrak-Pack of Singletrak-Pack (called also hydration Pack) is the ideal dog backpack designed for entertaining, but no less strenuous outdoor activities. The tight-fitting Singletrak-Pack offers space enough for the bare necessities. In it, the dog wears mostly water, folding dish, waste bags and maybe some treats.

Approach-Pack The dog Pack approach-Pack is suitable for comfortable 1-2 days hiking tours. The capacity of the panniers is big enough for water, folding Bowl, dog shoes, feces bags, food, treats, toys, first aid kit for dogs etc. Palisades-Pack Palisades-Pack of dog backpack is the right choice for multi-day hikes with overnight stays. He offers in the very practical, with an integrated water supply system and detachable panniers plenty of space for water (two reservoirs each with 1.0 liter capacity), folding Bowl, dog shoes, replacement collar and leash control bags, food treats, toys, first aid kit for dogs and even a dog bed as the bed of the Highlands. All-in sizes while the dog backpacks Singletrak Pack and Palisades Pack in 3 sizes, S, M and L (suitable for a bust of 55 cm to 120 cm and a capacity 2.4 L in the single Trak and 10 L-18 L in the Palisades Pack offered the dog backpack approach Pack can already for small agile dog to the) Be for use. The sizes range from XXS to L and comply with a chest measurement of at least 30 cm up to a maximum 120 cm and a 2 L 16 L capacity still applies that the speaker load should orient to the body weight of the dog instead of the seating capacity of the dog backpacks. Therefore the luggage may make 1/4 to 1/3 of the weight of the dog.

The payload would be E.G. a 20 kg dog between 5 kg (1/4) and 6.5 kg (1/3) fit of the dog backpack ideally have all 3 backpack models as SM device the dog harness, that with the five setting options ensure an exact fit of dog Backpack on the dog. The 3 setting options in the chest area you adjust the neck width but also the length once how far back the dishes. Before entering into pleasantly tight with the two belly straps, dog dishes, fix the panniers of the tableware with the front breast strap, so will an and swing off the bags avoided. Make sure that the panniers ehr top on the shoulders and not centered on the dog. Adjust this with the possibility of setting in the chest area.