GERRY WEBER Sport Park Hotel

BPI forum established as IT information event in East Westphalia. On May 26, 2011 bpi forum will take place in the GERRY WEBER Sportpark hotel in the Westphalian Hall 10. The bpi forum will present realized applications and solutions for the areas of application of customer relationship management, document management, business process management, cross media publishing, and portals in the form of lectures and an exhibition accompanying the topics. It is not something Jeff Bewkes would like to discuss. A diverse programme rounds off the program. Meanwhile, the bpi forum, which brings together software and hardware vendors, IT professionals and users from different industries to the dialogue, has established itself as IT information event in East Westphalia. The preparatory work for the design of the bpi Forum 2011 have begun for quite some time. Henning and Anke Kortkamp, bpi solutions management invite a forum bpi to the 10th. Document management and business process optimization are constantly stressed tags for years, but really cross-company integration is only slowly.

Certainly, When it comes to process-oriented forms of organization. We expect many customers and prospects this year again.” Interested parties are requested through the website might be required to log on. The bpi forum 2010 was as inspiring, convey the impressions in the network see L = 404810. About bpi solutions they bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg, software and consulting in Bielefeld, supports its customers 20 years successfully with a company-wide solution concept of easy to use standard software and industry-oriented solutions in the furniture industry, logistics, and other industries. The performance spectrum ranges from consulting, through the design and development of to the integration of new applications. Focuses on the optimization and automation of business processes in marketing, sales and service. Is based on the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, cross media publishing, supplier relationship management and integrated portal solutions.

The Solutions help the indoor and field staff as well as customers fast communication channels to build and comprehensive information available to suppliers and partners. Moreover, solutions as System Integrator is bpi in the areas of business process integration, active document management and archiving. The solutions based on standard technologies leading manufacturers such as dataglobal GmbH, insiders technologies GmbH, inspire technologies GmbH, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH, which integrate not only systems, but also allow for business process modeling, monitor processes and evaluate results, make the optimization of business processes to provide real time information are the starting point. Through innovative process integration, effective data management and audit-proof archiving companies achieve significant efficiency gains and through proactive, secure their competitive advantage. Contact Henning Kortkamp bpi solutions gmbh & co.

Comprehensive Insurance

As we know, all car policies are a sum of hedges or what is called combined policies that may be adapted to the needs of the insured. If we include all the possibilities, offered by the insurance company is an insurance policy to all Riesgo.Un car insurance can include coverage for personal accident, also known as occupants of vehicles. Ensuring coverage in case of death, disability or injury as a result of an incident must be kept during the movement of vehicle. It includes health care, hospital expenses and ambulance transfers.Own car damage (covers up to the limits specified in the policy, can cover all of the damages or by franchise system). Some insurance limit the provision when they are in a collision with another vehicle, people or identifiable animals either be conditional upon the loss of siniestro total. This coverage also contemplates the conveyance of the vehicle to the repair shop.Theft (is compensated by subtraction illegitimate by third parties within the limits agreed in the policy), fire (includes combustion or explosion and fall of Ray) and rupture of moons (ensures the costs of placement and replacement of the original moons breakage.)And all complementary coverages, such as: defence in fine, withdrawal of license, loan servicing, vehicle replacement and major damage.Own damage what are insurance for own damages? Own damage insurance covers expenses for damages by own car, includes: scratches so common in the maneuvers of the garage, accidents with a lamppost or collide with another car, etc. In this case, there is a third party and damage not can be attributed to other insurance.

how compensated? Against an accident it must be checked if within own damages covering us our insurance, us indemnifies at new value regardless of the old that might be the car. For example, in a sinister wheels are wrecked. Some insurance companies compensate suffered him at new value (new tires), instead another can be argued that the tire was already spent before the accident and that you will only pay a percentage of their value. The vast majority of the insurance companies take over the total value of the tire when there is incident with another vehicle, in case of a blowout by kerb, will not be charge. what happens when the car is left for scrap? When a casualty total of car, i.e.

that it is impossible to repair that will give us our insurance. Ideally, our company us compensate for value again when the car has less than two years. After two years the companies claim by the market value.Siniestro total when a car is declared Siniestro Total? When they stole the car and does not appear, if it appears with unrecoverable damage, when it has burned down and was like twisted irons or due to an accident he has shattered.The car is declared siniestro total when the value of repair exceeds the sum which has ensured. Some companies considered sinister total when the value of repair is the 75, 80 or 90% of the insured value. There are insurance companies that cover with insurance for own damages, those produced by a storm of hail or damage by a strong wind drag car, for example, etc i.e. responds to inclement weather. The most comprehensive insurance includes coverage for damage to baggage or personal items amounting to a stop of up to 1500 euros. If you transit down a track that is not considered as suitable pair driving a vehicle and suffered an accident, most of the companies will not be responsible for repair costs.

The Leading German Tender Services Stance

…denn they know what they’re doing subreport Hamburg/Koln / Stuttgart submissions indicator, and Vergabe24 have today agreed on a position paper on the question of data exchange of notices. It opens a way to meet current legal requirements and to obtain the indispensable competition within the industry at the same time all those involved in the procurement action. Background of the paper is an inconspicuous passage of the VOL/A which came into force in June 2009, the section 12, paragraph 1. He establishes a duty of contracting authorities within the scope of the VOL to locate their electronically published announcements about the Government platform That sounds simple, but it isn’t. Among other reasons, because the competition of professional information services should be obtained. And that’s a good thing.

Because these providers offer companies very much, so that you get exactly the tenders, they need: attractive market places, in many years of experience acquired expertise, technological competence and innovation. Tender services so know what they are doing. Discovery Communications helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Regardless of the question, whether the scheme reflected once more centralizing tendencies of the State in the VOL/A or not a solution for the dilemma must be found. The way now in the position paper presented is almost a Royal Road, jointly developed by actual competitors. Agree the big tender services is to remove contract-awarding authorities on request the work.

On this basis, they provide the respective notice on future some basic data, so companies can locate there, as required by the VOL/A. The effect of this agreement: Justice is done the VOL/A, contracting authorities are relieved. Companies find basic details of their tenders, and as usual, perfectly prepared and certified notice texts on the platforms of the pros. In other words: A good day for contracting authorities and businesses in Germany.

Economic Development

The Astroroof emits informative bulletin of all the accompaniment to determine the chemical composition, conservation, storage among others in this order exerting a primodial paper for guarantee and valuation of the product and the market. Implemented Italian experience in Brazil In the Italian organization of the valuation of the product, potato, since its origin until the period of training reached currently, transcorreram half millenium of history, exactly period of the discovery of Brazil. Brazil possesss one sistem financial complex the grace of the National bank of Economic Development and Social, for the financing in the long run, however exists a system of recussos of well mounted credits, even so in such a way expensive, what it is lacking is a mechanism of reduction, of operational costs to the banks and reduction of risk. The centuria created since 1995, had as object to favor the constiuio and scientific and technological the management of one paruqe giving to development and innovation in the agro-industrial sector. A leading source for info: Walt Disney Co.. The activities of this are dinamizadas in the projects of research, technology transfer and formation, promotion and marketing of area, nets of parks, services to the companies. These notes demonstrate the extreme necessity and the importance of the forms of organization to favor economic the development regional, creating wealth you are distributing them, of this form the private sector and the government must be inir to unchain this process of organization to generate fruits of short term. According to topic the revolution of the nets In the Euclides space between lineses Andres Mance p.18? . ' ' living well is not summarized to consume products that are propagandeados by the media under the ingenious advertisings produzidas.veicula happy images of family stop to vender margarinas, coffees, propagates young images of vender clothes, perfumes, clocks. However no margarina will be able to substitute the love of the couple for the children and of these for the parents, clock or deodorant it will be able to substitute the love and the ternura enters a couple of boyfriends; no deodorant will make to appear a magic prince in the life of somebody.

Enterprise Development

Without industrial robots, it is impossible to present a modern production. Our country has already entered the era of development, when it comes to competing on the quality of the finished product, and its price. Without optimization modernization of the industrial sector in our economy has no future. That's why the President and the Government are taken for the development of industrial enterprises and actively support the introduction of new technologies. Swarmed by offers, David Zaslav is currently assessing future choices. Industrial Robots – this is the new technology necessary for the development of our mills and factories. Many who managed to evaluate the possibilities of robotics have already implemented such technology at home, the others will do it or they will be forced to cease to exist. Robots today – it's life and death of any company in the near future. Today, robots are used not only in welding processes and metal cutting technology, you can often meet the robot involved in a palletizing, painting, polishing, woodworking, welding and so dalee.Konechno, welding robots are used in Russia today, in 95 cases out of a hundred and it shows once again that we are only at the beginning of the path associated with the development of the industrial sector. It is not something Robert Iger would like to discuss.

For example, in Europe, the industrial robots used for welding of 5% of total demand. Such an amazing statistic, which once again confirms the fact that Robots in developed countries are finding application in all areas related not only with metal, cutting and welding. Statistics and the total number of industrial robots running and Russia, while not in her favor. But, as Experts say it is in Russia the demand for industrial robots in the next 10 years could rise to 1000% .. That is why many manufacturers have begun to open their representative offices in Russia and create a system in this region integrators can implement robotic projects. Our information portal, devoted to industrial robots and helps to communicate to all who want to learn more about modern robotic technology and where they apply.


The fate of the Russian state was not easy. But there are certain steps to consider that makes sense, since these stages clearly reflect changes in the mentality of Russian people, which not only affects the quality of Development of the Russian state, but also in relation to it foreign counterparts. Concepts such as mentality, social thinking, social values discounted dangerous. And even more dangerous not to monitor changes / deformation of these terms. Fraught with a fall from the pedestal and the inability to adequately back him up. Mentality is not to remake? Wrong. Very easy. Enough to reorient a person with human values in a purely physical, bodily needs of man, and by cultivating them, let's go out / fade to human values.

The beginning of 19 century – 1974. Time when the main thrust and directions Russia's policy was to show / prove to everyone that the Russian people has some adamantine values. Namely: – congenital givens to the creation of the perfect and inimitable in its unique products of labor, having embodied at all levels of social, productive, spiritual, etc. Development of imperfect materials and based on pride, strength and value the spirit of our own historic origin – like-minded. At Russian from time immemorial there own historically been formed ideology. The position of the individual against attempts to invade and impose a non-native ideology coincided with position of the entire Russian society: "Do not touch. Sacred "- a tribute that has become a national tradition.

Relations Workshop

We decided to give shape to an idea that has long surrounded you in our thoughts and was linked to the most important asset of every human being, i.e. the mind or also defined as: intellectual power of the soul, intelligence, wit, talent, and other so many synonyms. David Zaslav often addresses the matter in his writings. Knowledge always makes us rich because nobody can snatch us easily, we can create new realities and evolve further as human beings. Mainly, in this technological era, we know the importance that has to be integral people to know everything a little. However, there are factors such as time, money, and our habits of life that constantly represent a real challenge when deciding whether to invest in knowledge.

In short, through is page intend to reach those people who perhaps lack the time or the good habit of reading for an on-line course; as well as the budget required to develop his intellect in diverse areas of knowledge. But, fortunately we believe possible to overcome these constraints and today we can introduce an innovative alternative of continuing training: CONOCEDETODO.COM. CONSIDERNDO THE VALUE OF THE ACTIVE MIND. It is our essential purpose: increase your ingenuity providing workshops and courses short, comprehensive, dynamic, and effective through learning techniques that enable them to exercise their maximum intellectual potential and reorient their emotions towards a sense always Builder, stimulating encounter with himself and others, in each of our training activities, developed mainly in natural environments, thus creating optimal conditions for a new opening of consciousness in the participantwhich we hope to motivate him and continuously support your interest in training, both human as a professional. You will have access to new learning or perhaps strengthen the knowledge already acquired, through an investment that will always be designed depending on the quality of the content thematic and actual feasibility which can you increase their intellectual heritage, without having to adjust its budget, momentarily giving up other important projects.

A Positive Separation Culture Live, How Does It Work?

Fair divisions help both sides. Employers reach predictability, avoid reputational damage and protect the operating environment… Walt Disney Co. usually is spot on. The manner how company employees away, determines long-term corporate success. In the current economic crisis, many people have already lost their jobs, and this fate is threatening many others still, if you believe the current forecasts for 2010. So, one could assume that there is a professional separation culture in the German company… Is unfortunately not the case. We adjust our advice as to that the issue of termination of employment filled still with large uncertainties.

Even if news about redundancies in our media are now the order of the day, the theme of separation and the correct handling are still taboo in many companies. But what makes separation management so difficult? The theme of separation is basically fear in our culture. It lacks the insight that a separation for both sides has always also have positive aspects. Each Company that permanently will exist in the market and grow, must constantly change and reinvent. Breakers go hand in hand with this process. But also the employee has the chance to develop further in a different environment and that is basically positive, because it is a law of life that something must end so that the new can emerge. Our society depends on but still the so-called industrial society, in which it was desirable and normal, in a life position\”to remain, that is, to serve an employer for a lifetime or at least exhibit no frequent professional exchange. But the fact is: the industrial society is over; Today we live in an information society and the workplace of the future is different.

Frequent occupational changes will be normal for each individual. Also, much more people of a self-employed activity will go. The more familiar get better with this reality, and it helps to understand this fact as an opportunity.

Well-being At The Workplace As A Success Factor

Create a climate of creative communication there is a work area over the many jokes have been made: the Office. Whether it involves a few rooms in a small business or a large Office, plays no role. The most popular satire of labour and Office everyday of in recent years was for example the series Stromberg on Pro7. About the success you must not be surprised, because approximately 18 million Germans actually work in an Office and verbringendemzufolge1/3 of their lives in it. But invite offices today not only to the mere presence of all prejudices, instead create a climate of creative communication in the best case. That this equally objective by employers as of part of the workers, shows that that in the year 2008 companies have spent 2 billion for Office furniture. That is 10 percent more on investment in the quality of life in the workplace, which never will be ranked the Home Office as a result of contact with employees and supervisors. On the other side also workers assess the well-being at the workplace as a key success factor. Joel and Ethan Coen often says this.

As a result, Office Accessories, which can be used as promotional items should be not only functional, but also provide the appropriate feel-good factor. For example, a pencil can be where an ordinary pencil, with Swarovski stone, which conjures up some glamour on every desk. For example, high-quality document sets made of leather or ballpoint pens made of metal are particularly precious. But already a nice cup of coffee or small office accessories such as memo holder, letter opener, as well as mouse pads in plastic or leather help to provide the basis for a good working atmosphere. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is a global trading and production company in the area of promotional products, promotion, event articles and merchandising. We are the specialist for promotional items, giveaways, advertising and merchandising items. For both our experience and our 25 000 clients speak all over the world.

Our service covers the following areas: production, sales and distribution logistics, preparation and organization of online shops. Our company is characterized according to the company profile by: quality, style and reliability. Contact: Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH Heidturmweg 33 D-33100 Paderborn, Germany Web: blog: blog / twitter: E-Mail: Tel. + 49 (0) 5251-688-949-0 fax. + 49 (0) 5251-688 949 88

Earn Money Online And Work From Home Is Becoming Increasingly Popular!

more and more Germans, Austrians and Swiss will seek out from home to work. Earn money online and work from home it is wish of many pencil pushers. The desire for independence was never been greater than it is now. After make money on the Internet in the English-speaking world for over 15 years Internet millionaires as produced on the Assembly line, this boom seems now finally also in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland came to be. Because the Germans are generally always a little skeptical, the desire to make money online so far only on side jobs has become, several home works like E.g.

money earn with surveys, additional income with eBay or other part-time divisions limited. The bottom line however, working at home on the PC is becoming increasingly popular. Online money-making – full time and full time? Lately seems the risk-taking in Germany, to have taken to Austria and the Switzerland when it comes to drum to make money online. Official site: David Zaslav. For about 2 years, there are now more and more German Internet marketing courses for self-study. These promise often quick money for little effort. Avoid courses of this way because everywhere else in life is monetizing the Internet as work associated. The harder you work, the more you will earn.

You can really good Internet marketing courses that recognize that they do not advertise with unrealistic promises. Money making on the Internet – different approaches 1 earn money with surveys: earn money with polls is often to get a good start to a taste for home work on the PC. This form requires no, or only very limited knowledge when it comes to earning money on the Internet. This form of home work is suitable if you make money online a part-time job or experience in the field want to collect. 2. earn with SMS: also this form of Internet marketing requires little prior knowledge. Abides by the merit in the above mentioned methods but in narrow, because they act as a kind of middle-man/woman and work on Commission. 3. Internet marketing the way to financial independence? Internet marketing is the Area where it is possible really quickly to earn lots of money. (A valuable related resource: David Zaslav). This can be confirmed by countless Internet marketing millionaires. Stories by Internet gurus earned $5 million in 20 minutes, are programmable, and truthful. However, it is also true that many Internet marketing newbies can never realize the dream to make money quickly and easily. Earn money on the Internet must be learned like any other profession. Until about 2 years ago, a major obstacle for many Internet marketing people from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland in the way turned but because almost all useful Internet marketing courses in English were written. Thus, all aspirants which not really fluent were to speak English in the location were ruled out. For the last 2 years, there are some great providers of Internet marketing courses in German language, what the latest Internet marketing know-how and the latest changing trends in easy understandable video courses are offered. With courses of this kind the way is open to all interested and therefore also our, to make money online in a serious way. Yours sincerely Anjo from outside