Cistercian Order

Also, sought for new order, assistance and collaboration of all the nobles and Princes who attended the Council, entrusting to Bernardo de Claraval the task of drafting an original rule for the order of the Knights Templar. Bernardo de Claraval was very clear which was going to be the rule that suit the Templar order and thus used the railway Cistercian rule, which would be adapted to the new military order, in order to organize his monastic life. In this sense, the Knights Templar, as monks of full-fledged, should pronounce the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, adding also a fourth vote, in which they undertook to contribute in the conquest and the conservation of holy land, arriving to give life if necessary. A fact happened in this Council and that you cannot pass unnoticed, would be which referred to the secret as told by Knight Hugo de Payens, which would be known only by the Pope Honorio II and the Patriarch of Jerusalem (in addition to Bernardo de Claraval, of course), which gives us an idea of which should be the real reasons that led to approve military order by the Church. In paragraph No. 4 of the prologue of the Templar rule, we can read: 4. and everything that happened in the Council cannot be counted or recontado; and so it is not taken lightly by us, but considerate wise prudence, we leave it to the discretion of both our honorable father Mr Honorio and noble Patriarch in Jerusalem, Esteban, who knows the problems of the East and of the poor Knights of Christ; We by the common Council Council approved it unanimously. Although a large number of religious parents gathered in Chapter approved the veracity of our words, however not we must silence the true statements and judgments that were issued.

(Taken from the primitive rule of the Trad Templars. Montserrat Robrenyo, Barcelona, 2000). So, is clear that the need that the Knights Templar were officially approved by the Church, obeyed most other hidden interests, which to the be a military order created to protect to the pilgrims of the Holy Land, especially when, for several years ago, there were already other orders who were responsible for this, as the hospitable order of San Juan de Jerusalen, which was later renamed from San Juan de Malta, due to be relocated its headquarters to the island of Malta by King Carlos I in the year 1530.

Outsourcing Of The Telephone System With AS ComTec

Medium-sized businesses can cost cut conventional telephone systems, which are usually in the basement of the respective companies through outsourced telecommunications systems, often don’t provide the features as they are available in large companies.Often, they are in your capacity limited or through the ISDN line. Multiple lines are only with appropriate number of ISDN connector possible, or through an ISDN primary multiplex access. However, for the company, this means high running costs and that only rarely need to often performance. AS ComTec computer service from Rodgau breaks so now. Through its partnership with the nfon AG AS ComTec offers a PBX customers, which calculates only required extensions to the price per month 6.80 EUR plus VAT. There is here no longer a limitation of the phone line. Every conversation achieved the PABX and the customer can decide what happens to the conversation. Thus, the customer temporarily increased demand can respond flexibly and avoid bottlenecks. The telephone system of nfon AG offers more than 100 features including E.g. any many incoming lines voice mail forwarding to email account CTI (computer integrated telephony) eFax queues & IVR call management more information, visit the page of AS ComTec

Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery

for users. As the saying goes, the details determine success or failure. The little screws also can make the machine fail. Any small part may cause large errors. In the machinery industry, we should pay more attention to details.

The large-scale machinery and equipment are assembled by all kinds of parts. The damage of any component will affect the function of the whole machine. As a machinery and equipment manufacturer, Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery thinks that in the producing process, we should be strict to the quality of the parts. The crusher, mill, sand making machine, the mineral processing equipment and other products are used more widely in the mining market today. The Raymond Mill is the most widely used today.

The advantages of its three-dimensional structure and small footprint make the raymond mill used in the industrial and mining areas. Since the mill is used to deal with the ore, in the current production use, the related components are more prone to wear and tear. If the quality cannot reach the standards expected, the wearing parts should be replaced frequently, which will cause downtime and affect the economic benefits of the users. In recent years, our company has invested millions of RMB in building the advanced production line and modern research and development Center. We have formed a professional service team engaged in research and development, management, sale, production and installation and realized the perfect combination of an production research. We also realized the transformation from made by Hongxing to created by Hongxing. After decades of years development, Hongxing has become one of the famous enterprises in the production of ore reduction and sand making equipment.

Facebook Systems

In which we almost took of 2011 there has been day in that we did not have knowledge of some attack to the computer science systems of companies or governments, who of more or less serious way outside affected to users and particular clients or with the robbery of personal data, banking, directions of electronic mail or no any information that could have stored the corporations in their servants. As example of these cases we have to Sony, Citibank, Google, Honda Canada and a long list of others, in our country we have the recent example of Inteco. These attacks are mounted by people described with I finish already known by all, hackers. Nowadays this term suggests the image of a person who in a dark room and to high hours of the dawn tries with harmful intentions to accede to the system of some company or governmental organization, but this to us not always has been thus. The Hack term at first talked about to a simple, creative and elegant solution for a problem. In many cases they did not happen to be practical jokes. With the passage of time went associating to the field of the computer science programming, where a Hack was the creation of something new and innovating in programming.

Today, these practical jokes and creations have been transformed into attacks coordinated with clear economic aims, or own benefit like causing lost for the victim. By all it is known that risk zero is impossible to reach, will always exist forms to break a security system and is for that reason reason why important companies like Google or Facebook, that are white very substantial for hackers, have resorted to that one saying of if you cannot with your enemy, nete to him, and of this form they offer rewards to which discovers and they communicate faults to them of security in his systems. The present situation that we are living is a great preoccupation and perhaps even more important annoyance for companies and users but that this, is possible a lost one of confidence in the systems computerized yet what it entails in a world where more and more we trusted our data to these tools. They are undeniable the benefits that contribute to the advances in the digital world and its evolution to us are unstoppable, but the happened cases this year make silverplate themselves if the security has been sacrificed to obtain a faster and profitable advance. The question of if the companies put all average ones to protect their systems before sending them and protecting therefore the information of their clients this in the air. udea, Security of the Information Alvaro Aritio Department of Management

Flight 19

A calculation of fatal accidents between 1981 and 2004 … FAQ Advertise Legal Stats Contact …
One of the most famous incidents, and probably the emergency most famous on the Bermuda Triangle is about the loss of a squadron of five TBM Avenger bombers of the U.S. Navy. UU. during a training flight that departed from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) on December 5, 1945. According to the fantasy writer Charles Berlitz (1914-2003), the case was that a number of naval aviators simply disappeared after reporting a number of strange visual effects, a claim that is not entirely correct. In addition, Berlitz said that because the remains of the TBM Avenger float for long periods of time, these had to be found the next day whereas those were days with clear sky and calm tide. However, not only could not be found, but a search and rescue plane from the Navy also ordered that was lost (Martin The Navy had a very bad reputation among the pilots of the time because their fuel tanks ignite easily therefore, saw a little flash off the ship, could correspond to its explosion). Additionally, the increase was intrigued to learn that the report of the accident was attributed to the Navy to “causes desconocidas or reasons.”
Although some version of the facts of Berlitz are not completely inaccurate, does not describe some important details. The vision of an experienced squad of fighter pilots lost in a sunny afternoon is inaccurate. For when he received the last radio transmission from Flight 19, had a stormy weather. Only the flight leader, Lt. Charles Carroll Taylor, had combat experience and a significant flight time, but it had very little experience in that area in particular, lower than that of the trainees under their service, Taylor was described as a calm and confident leader. Instead, radio transmissions from Flight 19 revealed Taylor to a disoriented, with a lack of confidence in their decisions, and completely lost.
In addition, exaggerated established that all the planes had trouble with his compass, however, naval reports and written records of conversations between Lt. Taylor and other pilots of Flight 19 did not indicate this. Regarding the report of the Navy, says that the original report attributed the accident to the confusion flight commander. Lieutenant Taylor previously had abandoned their ship on two occasions in the middle of the Pacific after having lost to return to the carrier. However, the report was altered to portray another location because of the wishes of his family.
Another factor to consider is that the ships TBM Avenger were never designed to land on water, contrary to the assertions of Berlitz. The experience of combat in the Pacific demonstrated airline safety that an Avenger aircraft sank very quickly if landing on water. For an Avenger would be very difficult to land on water, especially with novice pilots in command, and leave it on the dangerous seas of the Bermuda Triangle.
However, the fact that so far has not found any traces or other craft has led to the mystery, and in itself is a rare case. Ina documentary on the History Channel this event, it was noted that a pilot can easily confuse your location if allowed his imagination monitor their reason. In this documentary the most likely scenario was that the flight leader, Lt. Charles Taylor became confused and disoriented, and was indecisive in last analogy of the situation of the flight, wrongly believing that they were far from the southeast Florida Keys, and turning sharply to the right to believe they would find land. Instead, they were located exactly where it should be, outside of the Bahamas and turn right to take them deeper into the Atlantic Ocean. This could also explain why the planes have not yet been found, as very few searches have concentrated on the vast open areas of the ocean.
Therefore, the most generally accepted explanation for naval and civilian enthusiasts who have thoroughly investigated the incident agreed that Lt. Charles Taylor became confused and disoriented, taking his crew to the open sea where they were just the fuel and landed in stormy waters overnight. Although the pilots knew that the student was wrong about its location, the flight was the leader and was in command. When the council took one of his apprentices on pilots to fly to the west, as far as they were to land on shore. The official position of the United States Navy on the incident does not reflect any mystery regarding what happened to Flight 19, describing the fact that the blame fully lived Lt. Charles Taylor. … Of air accidents. Spectacular plane crash … Statistics on traffic accidents fight. Causes of traffic accidents latinsalud …
If someone says the plane is the safest means of transport in the world and … of aviation accidents that are exceptions, “says Javier del Campo, …
accident statistics: airplane accidents – Database planes … This section includes all aircraft accidents with destruction. …

Angkor – Wonder Of The World

On our planet, there are hundreds of places that capture the imagination and cause a desire to see their own eyes. Kingdom of Cambodia – one of those places. Cambodia – the ceremonial name of the country. By Khmer sounds like Preh Rekenakart Kampuchea, which is the Sanskrit word meaning preh "sacred" rack – "King, the governor," Ana – "power" cards – "wheel", symbolized in a Khmer-Hindu culture supreme power. Official the international name of the state – Kingdom of Cambodia (Kingdom of Cambodia). The historical name of the country is indianizirovannoe Kampuchadesh name. Within the country as the official state name in the Currently used Khmer Kampuchea Prateh. Kingdom of Cambodia – one of the most unique of Southeast Asia, in the old days it was called 'the pearl of Asia.

" Cambodia attracts tourists ancient temples, fortresses, palaces, as well as its unique nature. A haven for tourists is undoubtedly Angkor. Angkor, the Khmer "the city" was built near the north shore of Lake Tonle Sap (Great Lake). This is a great shallow lake, feeding tributary of the Mekong River, was rich with fish and surrounded by fertile lands. Lake water helped turn Angkor Tom into a thriving city. Khmer farmers used irrigation canals to grow three rice crops a year. By 1000 AD in the great city can live more than half a million people.

C VIII to XIII century Khmer ruler ruled a powerful civilization in Southeast Asia. Special power it has achieved in 802 AD, when Dzhayavarmane II. He ruled 60 years and repeatedly transferred his capital. Finally he stopped at the Angkor area and began construction there is a big deal. Angkor Wat was built during the reign of Suryavarmane II at the beginning of the XII century and was dedicated to Hindu god Vishnu. The three-story building consists of a series of rectangular rooms. Its tower in the shape of lotus blossoms rise to 60 meters. Angkor Wat – the greatest temple in the ruins of the city of Angkor Thom, the north-west Cambodia. Angkor Thom was built as the capital of the great empire of the Khmers, and the temple occupies an area of approximately 2.5 square kilometra.Steny corridors of the temple is decorated with sculptures and reliefs depicting scenes from ancient myths. The building is surrounded by two walls. Wide moat fed by water from a large urban reservoirs used primarily for watering plants during the dry season. When Suryavarman died, the temple became his tomb, in 1431 Thai soldiers attacked Angkor Thom and destroyed it. Destroyed city absorbed the jungle, and he was re-opened only 150 years ago. In 1850, French missionary, cut through the dense tropical forest in Cambodia, discovered the ruins of the magnificent city. Four century jungle gradually destroyed over a hundred temples. Very soon there appeared archaeologists to explore and restore the city of temples.

CONAV Consulting

VSH net rates of CONAV consulting for financial institutions and intermediaries two brokerage-free VSH NET tariffs which has CONAV consulting exclusively for members of the RAJARAM e. V. (and those who still get it) as online statements option on the Web page. The powerful design of the tariffs, which are available in modular building block or alternatively as maximum powerful mixing police for insurance intermediaries, operating also financial services, are special. Just the insurance agents who are already insured VSH, can use the extremely cheap temporary solution.

The premiums for a maximum one year totaled on: FDL1 approx. 78 FDL 1 and 2 approximately 155 FDL 1 and 2 and 3 approximately 388 of the designed maximum tariff includes many existentially important performance enhancements, so far still not offered in this combination. To cite just a few examples: in the policy are the almost inevitable work with and on the Internet in a comprehensive way and Covered way. Also attacks due to the alleged of infringements of competition law are considered in the cover. The honorary Advisory and fee mediation the activities for private clients are specifically named with.

Learn more get interested about the collective Highlightblatt ( Ralf W. Barth, Managing Director of says CONAV Consulting GmbH & co. KG, about the development of the two tariffs: in cooperation with the RAJARAM was an important basis to offer maximum quality in the VSH services intermediaries. At the same time was the request after a reasonable premium, or a very fair price – / performance ratio to take into account. I am convinced that this well we succeeded with our newly created VSH NET fare world. Another special performance, which we could reach for the mediators is that the confirmation for the Chamber of Commerce registration was sent to intermediaries within 48 hours. “In addition to the Agents can choose personal advice over the CONAV fee online completion option. While two 20 flat-rate packages available in addition to a unique consulting and up to 40% discounted rates available. Who would like to take a quick advice without a contract via the telephone hotline service, can choose this easy variation for himself. The possibilities can be found in the brokerage contract on the CONAV Web site. Ralf W. Barth: I am convinced that the customers in the future much better will be informed by the transparency of the Internet content in the various policies. Independent, educated citizens will want to decide how much consultation needs they have and what they it spend are ready on remuneration. In this sense, we offer our clients the possibility to choose the nettobasierte Award and the required advice in an acceptable for her frame itself. We perceive this as a customer-oriented, fair advice and Mediation in the VSH and insurance sectors. Customers who once used this type of supply and services, show interested in other services according to our estimates of CONAV consulting. “KG see the bid and performance range of CONAV Consulting GmbH & co. on their Web site at.

Consultant Liability

The consultant’s liability by the highest German civil court judgments do not tear down: However, is what comes from Karlsruhe from investment advisor perspective not all bad. The consultant’s liability by the highest German civil court judgments do not tear down: However, is what comes from Karlsruhe from investment advisor perspective not all bad. Because with his latest ruling the Supreme Court has made it clear that a liability of the intermediary does not automatically occurs in any case constellation and investors can contact losses not aufhaltend hand directly to the Advisor. The judgment was based on essentially the following facts: the plaintiff had drawn a participation of a closed real estate fund in 1996. Commencement of the term, even distributions were obtained, which however could be maintained not due to economic difficulties in the aftermath. The plaintiff sought damages for a defective according to his investment advice with regard to the participation in the procedure.

With the completion of an also implied possible Consulting agreement between investors and advisors to a consulting according to the BGH object-oriented obligation for the latter. In this regard, risks and characteristics of the system with critical expertise must be checked. The filtered results are to inform the investors over. Such an analysis by the mediator will refrain from this can lead to an oft-cited consultant liability. To the relief of the intermediary this arrives only if a risk would become recognizable via the investor would need clarification on or but if would become evident, that a recommendation of the plant is not investor – or object-fair. When but a there are reasonable grounds for such a notice which was not clear so far. The latest judgment of Karlsruhe provides here, however, a little clarity. Specifically, it was about a so-called guarantee and then related costs, which was not sufficiently known according to the plaintiff’s (issued by a Bank for a debtor in case of failure to adhere).

Analysis: Significant Savings Due To Automation In The User Management

Model calculation of IQ professionals determined a ROI already in the first half year Langenfeld, 21.06.2011 – according to a model calculation IQ professionals leads through a process-oriented automation in user management of the enterprises Institute to substantial savings institutions on behalf of Ogitix AG. The analysis conducted on behalf of Ogitix AG determined relatively short-term economic effects in the deployment, change and deletion of user rights for a company with around 3,000 IT-supported jobs. Typically, more than a half-dozen manual steps from different people are necessary for this. Reduce costs in the implementation of appropriate software after deduction of capital expenditures reached around 100,000 euros and increases in the second and third year already to over 300,000 euros. Thus, a return-on-investment (ROI) is achieved in the first year. In these calculations a growing penetration of of automation of initial 40 percent is based to 75 per cent in the third year of use. In the With reference to practical data, calculations assumed that the IT pro user must edit three MACs (move/add/change) for a total of four targets per year average. This leads to a total number of requests from about 38,000 a year.

When adopted automation level of 40 percent and a typical time savings of a total of 9 minutes per request within the numerous steps it makes a reduction of effort over 2,260 hours / 283 working days in the year. The magnitude of this calculated benefits have proved largely in first practice projects”, reports Ogitix Board Ingo Buck. In addition to this significant effort and cost reduction but other benefits for automation in the user management speak”he refers to as an example the significantly lower error rate. In a traditional Provisionierungsprozess at least five to eight manual actions by various people are making, what inevitably leads to a high susceptibility. As a result would Employees receive incorrect access permissions and should be a remedy, which in turn takes time. Our analyses have shown that only in every second case longer than 30 minutes rectification effort and devours thus expensive resources.” Also the increase in compliance safety as a result of continuous transparency and automatic documentation of processes was an important feature of automation in addition to the cost savings, the significantly faster Provisionierungsprozesses and the lower error rate. With University mate”, Ogitix has a platform that consistently and continuously based on the principle of simplicity.

It connects, coordinates and automates processes and is universally applicable to very different process requirements. Just use as the solution for the design or modification of processes, is their implementation into existing IT infrastructures. The introduction of fast also results that she uses the existing infrastructure elements and an integration bus bringing together. About OGiTiX AG, OGiTiX AG is a German provider headquartered in Langenfeld. Their solutions combine existing systems, coordinate and control the processes and automate the business – and IT-services. Projects and operation are very cost effective, because they are made without programming and without lengthy analysis phases with rapid results. OGiTiX strengthens the role of a responsible IT within the company. An IT that supports business processes directly, actively works on the business objectives and thus contribute value to the company as a whole. Well-known customers already rely on solutions from OGiTiX. OGiTiX Software AG Hans-Bockler-str. 12 40764 Langenfeld Tel: 99385-0 fax: + 49-2173 99385-900

BlackBerry Enterprise Server

Cortado extends the new BlackBerry Enterprise Server to classic PC functions Berlin–Cortado, a global leader in mobile applications, Member of the BlackBerry Alliance program and mobile document management, specialist gives you the support of the new BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 from research in motion (RIM) announced. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0 provides access to documents behind a corporate firewall and provides extensive possibilities for mobile working with files, as well as a variety of output options such as printing, faxing and PDF create users via the Cortado solution. As a specialist for mobile document management, Cortado offers a seamless mobile office solution users of BlackBerry smartphones. The most important advantages at a glance: Seamless working environment users work as in the familiar environment of Microsoft Windows XP – or Vista operating system. Using the network folder Manager drive names and access rights are automatically in accordance with the Active Directory rights. Documents can be downloaded without size limit. \”Documents can use the function save under\” uploaded and stored emails and attachments directly to network drives.

Mobile document Manager enables classic Windows Explorer functions the copy, paste, create, delete and rename files and folders on network drives or in online directories. Large file handling support of any on the device and the network stored documents, attachments, tasks, notes and calendar entries. Support for HTML-E-mails and BlackBerry browser pages. Support any document and various image formats. Open architecture with the flexibility to add new file formats. Support document access for BlackBerry smartphones with the device software 4.1 and higher.

Mobile Edition options PDF creation: the first PDF Creator for BlackBerry smartphones. Saving, printing, faxing and emailing of PDF files. Immediate creation of database reports: viewing, emailing, printing or faxing of reports from virtually any data source. Printing to network printers according to the user rights in Active Directory.