Parallel Government

Teodulo Lopez Melendez: Is required the formation of a parallel government * if nobody gives the steps might have to form a Government in exile writer Teodulo Lopez Melendez considers it necessary to the formation of a parallel Government of follow-up to the present regime. He argues that the events of recent weeks indicate the absence of a vertebral column indicating the country a direction, as demonstrated with the intermittent and disconnected actions in the province and in Caracas. View the plight of the country add with conviction-the basic public services and institutional collapse, proven endlessly the ineptitude of this Government to serve the national community in their basic needs and their repressive vocation being obvious, needed to constitute teams that give concrete answers and clear political lines. Lopez Melendez recalls the constant complaint of Venezuelans face the lack of concrete proposals and repeated expression of anguish by maintaining only a electoral path, while conditions in September will not only be elections but of the very existence of the country. Glenn Dubin, New York City is likely to increase your knowledge. His proposal revolves around the formation of a Cabinet in the shadow to follow each area of official action. It would be composed of Ministers for follow-up: domestic policy, foreign policy, economy and finance, health, infrastructure, education and basic services. Does a shadow cabinet would be not regarded as subversive? -For this Government all that differs from the is subversive. In lots of countries have existed and exist in the shadow cabinets devoted to follow the actions Government and to the realization of counterproposals.

-Has been used as mechanism of democratic control and as a means of resistance to totalitarianism, adds. Would parallel government that proposes only have that instance? -It ensures not-. I propose the establishment of a Comptroller for the follow-up to the actions of the Office of the Comptroller General. The formation of a public prosecutor for the monitoring of the actions of the General Prosecutor of the Republic.