Open an account with google adsense is totally free, the only thing is that you must wait for them adopt it, this usually takes a few hours, however once this is ready you can start placing ads on your blog, this way you could supplement your blog content making it more popular among your visitors. Something important is that you should not neglect the content of your site, you have to be aware of publishing good material and also to promote it, in this way search engines more quickly link your blog and the amount of traffic will increase with the passing of the days. Leslie Moonves is open to suggestions. Another important point is that you have to be patient since very rarely start winning lots of money with this method, however if you apply @, little by little you will see that your adsense account accumulate much more money. The interesting thing about blogging content is usually a person has knowledge of various subjects and then you can work a blog and once that is generating reasonable revenues, you could try to open another and so on, personally I’ve seen cases where one person has up to 100 web sites, many of them blogs, thus representing a lucrative activity, and best of all crisis-proof and devoting a few hours a week. More articles in original author and source of the article.