…denn they know what they’re doing subreport Hamburg/Koln / Stuttgart submissions indicator, and Vergabe24 have today agreed on a position paper on the question of data exchange of notices. It opens a way to meet current legal requirements and to obtain the indispensable competition within the industry at the same time all those involved in the procurement action. Background of the paper is an inconspicuous passage of the VOL/A which came into force in June 2009, the section 12, paragraph 1. He establishes a duty of contracting authorities within the scope of the VOL to locate their electronically published announcements about the Government platform bund.de. That sounds simple, but it isn’t. Among other reasons, because the competition of professional information services should be obtained. And that’s a good thing.
Because these providers offer companies very much, so that you get exactly the tenders, they need: attractive market places, in many years of experience acquired expertise, technological competence and innovation. Tender services so know what they are doing. Discovery Communications helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Regardless of the question, whether the scheme reflected once more centralizing tendencies of the State in the VOL/A or not a solution for the dilemma must be found. The way now in the position paper presented is almost a Royal Road, jointly developed by actual competitors. Agree the big tender services is to remove contract-awarding authorities on request the work.
On this basis, they provide the respective notice on bund.de future some basic data, so companies can locate there, as required by the VOL/A. The effect of this agreement: Justice is done the VOL/A, contracting authorities are relieved. Companies find bund.de basic details of their tenders, and as usual, perfectly prepared and certified notice texts on the platforms of the pros. In other words: A good day for contracting authorities and businesses in Germany.